Important message from your committee

Pattaya, 9th September 2022


Dear Residents,

Every year we ask residents to come forward and serve on the committee.
Unfortunately not enough people have come forward and most people are quite content to leave it to the few who have taken on the challenge, some of which have served up to 9/10 years. In our opinion, it is a civil duty of residents to take their turn managing the village.

Therefore we ask you to submit your names for election to the committee as soon as possible.

Should we not receive any more volunteers we will find it necessary to change how the village is run and the options we have are set out below.



Hand over control of the village to the local council. The consequences of this are:

  • There would be no security,
  • There would be no gardeners
  • There would be no pool
  • There would be no gym,
  • The park would be sold for building land and the village would quickly fall into disrepair
  • A knock~on effect immediately of 20/25% estimated reduction in property prices.
  • Loss of safety and security.

We hope nobody would contemplate option nr.1.


Employ a management company to oversee the daily running of the village with minimal committee members to liaise with the management company.

  • The consequences of this would be an immediate increase in the village fees of Baht 8000-10000 per household per annum with a dedicated contact on site 2-3 days per week.


Employ a management company to remotely oversee the daily running of the village with committee members to liaise with the management company.

  • The consequences of this are no improvement in services and still the need for a committee, with nobody on site for urgent matters.
  • An increase of Baht 4000-5000 per household per annum in community fees.


The current committee remains in place and receives up to a 50% reduction in community fees for their services. New or returning members would need to complete 6 months of service before qualifying for the discount. The consequences of this are:

  • An increase per household in community fees of Baht 1500-1800.
  • No change to services or current structure.


Residents come forward as we have done and volunteer for a 2-year term managing the village.

  • No change at all. Cost Baht 0 and who knows maybe an improvement in services.

So looking at the options it would be preferable to have option 5.

Please bear in mind these are only estimates of cost and do not include any normal increases in village fees due to inflation etc.


Give your time to the community get in touch with any committee member or email us at the village is counting on your support.


Regards GFV2 residents committee